Spiritual Principles

To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate

December 14, 2020

As of this writing, the US has averaged over 200,000 cases of the coronavirus in the past week and around 3,000 deaths per day.  In fact, the coronavirus now surpasses heart disease as the number one killer of Americans this year. 

The only way we put an end to so much death and suffering is for 70-80% of Americans to obtain immunity. When a super majority of the country has innate protection, the virus is unable to spread rapidly and the pandemic comes to a halt. 

If we wait to obtain this immunity naturally with the novel coronavirus, the carnage throughout this country will continue unabated. If enough of us can get the vaccine, hundreds of thousands of lives will be spared. 

Yet, an early survey revealed only 50% of Americans would be wiling to get the coronavirus vaccine, a clear roadblock in order for us to get to herd immunity. I understand why many Americans are unsure about the vaccine – trust in our institutions is at an all-time low and conspiracy theories abound. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Subsequently, I want to attempt to answer the questions in the minds for many of us right now. 

  • Should I get the vaccine for the coronavirus? 
  • Is the vaccine safe? 
  • Is it effective?
  • What are the potential side effects? 
  • What are the long term risks?

I’ve heard several say, “I don’t want to be the first one to get the vaccine.” When I ask patients how many people do they think have received the vaccine thus far, they say 100 or 500 persons. When a new vaccine is on the market, the company is required to test its safety in at least 3,000 subjects. To date, over 50,000 subjects have received coronavirus vaccine. Some of the first trials began as early as May so we have at least several months of data as to its effects. 

The family of coronavirus has been around for many years and we haven’t been able to come up with a vaccine as of yet. As a result, experts were unsure if we even could develop immunity. The effectiveness of the flu vaccine ranges from 40% to 60%. So the FDA set the guideline for at least 50% effectiveness

Last month Moderna and Pfizer announced effectiveness rate of 95%. AstraZeneca announced an effectiveness of up to 90%. For science to come up with a new vaccine that is both safe and effective within a year is the equivalent of landing on the moon. It’s nothing short of an incredible accomplishment. 

Side effects from the coronavirus vaccine include headache, fevers, body aches and chills. These symptoms resolve in days and are not permanent. No serious, long lasting side effects have yet to be identified. 

We do not know the long-term side effects of this vaccine. And yet to wait for a trial to go a full two years just so we can know the side effects while hundreds of thousands of people die is unethical. We must act now. 

On the other hand we know the long term effects of the novel coronavirus. One can get cough, fatigue or joint pain lasting for many months. Yesterday I saw a patient who contracted COVID-19 in March. While she improved, her shortness of breath never resolved. Formerly she was able to walk 3 miles everyday for exercise. Today, just coming in from the parking makes her out of breath. While 1.5 million people have died worldwide due to the COVID-19, no deaths have been linked to the vaccine. Every medical decision should weigh the risks and benefits. Clearly, the scales tip in favor of the coronavirus vaccine. 

Our Response as Providers 

The field of medicine has blessed our lives. It has provided us with jobs and health benefits for our family. It has given us respect in our communities. We’ve been given the designation super heroes – like Superman or the Incredibles – because of what we do each day.

Yet, I’ve noticed a few medical providers willing to act as the medical equivalent of war time mercenaries – people who want the benefits of the medical field but flee at the sight of any risk. It’s time to hold true to our calling as healers. Let’s lead by example. 

Our Response as Christians

Finally, I want to leave a message with my fellow Christians. In John 10:10, Jesus says, “I have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” As Christians, we are a people who have sought to live out the full and abundant life God offers us. The year 2020 has not been one of an abundant life for many. In fact, an angel of death seems to have swept over the world. 

Because this disease spreads without symptoms, unwitting people can spread the virus and continue the harm done to our fellow neighbor. For example, if I contract the virus I may not have any symptoms. Unknowingly I may transmit it to my friend who doesn’t contract any symptoms of COVID-19. Unfortunately, he is caring for his 80 year-old grandmother who contracts the virus, develops severe symptoms, and ultimately dies one month later. This scenario is playing out every day in various forms. 

Jesus said the greatest command was to love God with all our heart and then to love our neighbor as ourselves. When we get the coronavirus vaccine, we are loving our neighbor by sparing their life. 

Not only must we love our neighbor, but also do our part to preserve health if we want to expect God’s blessing. Note what Ellen White writes in Counsels on Health: 

“God will not work a miracle to keep those from sickness who have no care for themselves, but are continually violating the laws of health and make no efforts to prevent disease. When we do all we can on our part to have health, then may we expect that the blessed results will follow, and we can ask God in faith to bless our efforts for the preservation of health.” – Ellen White in Counsels on Health, page 59 (emphasis mine). 

She says, “when we do all we can on our part to have health” means taking advantage of every tool to keep us healthy – eating healthy, exercising, wearing a mask, social distancing and yes, even taking a vaccine like Ellen White herself did against the small pox. 

The year 2020 has been tragic. Incredibly you and I can put an end to this plague. We can stop the suffering and pain. We can participate in God’s actions to bring healing to our broken world. All it takes is a shot. 

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1 Comment

  • Reply Dixie Wong December 20, 2020 at 10:02 am

    Thanks for your timely message!

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